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الرجاء الإجابة على الأسئلة التالية لتحديد قيمة SphereCard لعملك. إذا كان عدد الردود بـ "نعم" يفوق الردود بـ "لا" ، فيمكن لشركتك جني فوائد كبيرة من SphereCard.
Would you like your business information to be accessible globally on any device for sharing and use?
Would you like to update your business information anytime without losing customers?
Do you want to ensure that the person you give your business info to willingly gives you their phone number at least 99% of the time so you can follow up?
Would you like to have the option of making or receiving voice or video conference calls globally from consumers?
Would you or your like customers be able to print a flyer from your business info that displays a QR code so that anyone with a cellphone can scan and then click to call you?
Would you like consumers globally to go online, search our marketplace, find your business profile, and click to call or message you?
When you get a lead contact, would you like it to be distinct from your other contact information?
Would you like that if the need arises, you could change your phone number and company or business address without losing existing customers if the need arises?
Would you like to have the option to update your service or offers anytime and make them available for your customers to see immediately?
Would you like your customers to be able to make appointments with you automatically and for you to be notified when an Appointment is received?
Would you like consumers to see your promotional video and slideshow of your service, products, or offers on your online profile?
Would you like your business profile to be easy for consumers to find online from a smartphone, tablet, or computer?
Would you like your customers to have the option to add attachments to their messages?
Enterprize: Would you like to influence employees to share and promote your company's offerings on their social media accounts and others?
Would you always like access to your messaging, voice/video chat, set business schedule for appointments, and update the dashboard from any computer, tablet, or smartphone?
Would you like to get customer feedback about your service so you can prevent your customers from spreading negativity about your business?
Would you like to see that the receiver of your business messages has read them?
Would you like the option to select the time frame of your messages and print them?
Enterprise only: Would you like the option to update the job title of an employee's online profile at will?
Would you like no additional charges to make or receive global calls from your online profile when using Wi-Fi or unlimited data?
When you save contact information given to you, would you like it to be displayed distinctly from the rest of your contact in your contact phone list?
Enterprise only: Would you like the option to easily edit online profiles for multiple employees at once, with immediate effect?
Enterprise only: Would you like the option to reassign an online profile to another employee that takes immediate effect?
Would you like to be able to share your online profile on social media easily?
Would you like the option to edit, reply, or delete your online profile messages?
Would you like the option to create or have SAM professionally set up your online profile?
Would you like to link other websites or social media to your online profile, and when shared, all links get shared at once?
Would you like to easily save the contacts of your global callers?
Enterprise only: Would you like to see how often you or your employee's online profile is shared?
Enterprise only: Would you like to see how often your online profile or an employee's gets called?
Enterprise only: Would you like to be able to send bulk invites from your business card contact?
Would you like to receive missed call notifications for calls made to your online profile you missed?
Would you like your online profile to be a web, an Apple, and an Android mobile application?
Would your consumers be able to click to call you locally or globally by voice or video chat?
Would your customers be able to easily save your online profile as a favorite for instant recall?
Would you like your online profile to display the local country's time so consumers globally can call within your business day?
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